Ավելացվել է 1319 բայտ,
12:02, 21 Մարտի 2012 # This is a title blacklist. Titles and users that match a regular expression here cannot be created.
# Use "#" for comments.
# This is case insensitive by default
.*travel insurance.*
.*life insurance.*
.*car insurance.*
.*weight loss.*
.*lose weight.*
.*weight watchers.*
.*diet plans.*
.*new diet.*
.*release date.*
.*released date.*
.*magellan triton.*
.*greetings card.*
.*war in iraq.*
.*date sites.*
.*dating site.*
.*meet singles.*
.*monster jobs.*
.*promotional material.*
.*chemistry publications.*
.*print work.*
.*Point work.*
.*science career.*
.*recruitment advisor.*
.*stay at home.*