# This is a title blacklist. Titles and users that match a regular expression here cannot be created. # Use "#" for comments. # This is case insensitive by default .*[abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz].*
.*accounting.* .*finance.* .*carreers.* .*chat.* .*dating.* .*personals.* .*relationship.* .*cheap.* .*travel.* .*travel insurance.* .*life insurance.* .*car insurance.* .*insurance.* .*telephone.* .*jobs.* .*careers.* .*mortgage.* .*mortgages.* .*repayments.* .*cosst.* .*renovation.* .*weight loss.* .*lose weight.* .*weight watchers.* .*diet plans.* .*dieting.* .*new diet.* .*recipe.* .*calorie.* .*tips.* .*astronomy.* .*astrology.* .*release date.* .*released date.* .*magellan triton.* .*shopping.* .*e-card.* .*greetings card.* .*ecard.* .*war in iraq.* .*date sites.* .*dating site.* .*meet singles.* .*employment.* .*employers.* .*jobs.* .*payroll.* .*job.* .*monster jobs.* .*promotional material.* .*chemistry publications.* .*print work.* .*FIFA.* .*Point work.* .*recruitment.* .*science career.* .*recruitment advisor.* .*unemployment.* .*stay at home.* .*example.* .*single.* .*virus.* .*download.* .*dreamweaver.*