

Ավելացվել է 2 բայտ, 06:40, 7 Դեկտեմբերի 2024
== Tips and tricks ==
* '''Uploading images:" ''' All figures in your text should be uploaded to the website and displayed at the relevant section of the text you're translating. When uploading, for the '''Նիշքի նոր անվանում`''' write a short and descriptive name for the figure, and for '''Նկարագրություն`''' write a description of the figure, mention the source where you got the figure from and include a link to it; links can be included by typing <nowiki>[ Name of link]</nowiki>, and also include the following category <nowiki>[[Կատեգորիա:Մաթեմատիկա]]</nowiki>.
* '''Displaying images:''' As for figures, upload the image on the website and include it in your text.
Բյուրոկրատ, Ադմին, Վստահելի